On a random whirlwind weekend trip to the Bay Area
recently (after an impromptu rendevous with some mint
humbugs and Rhubarb custards at
Fiona's sweet shoppe)
my friend A and I stopped into a cute and uber trendy
little shop called
Shotwell. I couldn't resist picking up a
few out-there pieces. I've been pondering this
2 finger ringfrom Surface to Air for awhile now on the
Oak site, but
after finally seeing one in person I had to finally make it

I also got this semi-insane winged harness thing by
Zana Bayne. Reactions so far have ranged from "Oh my god that
is so you, you have to buy it!" to "errr what exactly is that
and how do you wear it?" So, now I just have to find an
appropriate venue (what sort of event exactly is a winged
leather harness appropriate for?) and work up the courage
to actually wear it out of the house.

A few more things I wish I could have taken home with me:
Elizabeth & James Cubist dress -- why is it that everything
I want these days just happens to be one shouldered?

Play by Commes des Garcons sweater -- oh heart with eyes you are
just adorable!