Sunday, March 1, 2009

A few Outfits of the day

This one is from about a week ago (must get on top of posting more outfit pics!).

Jeans - Old Navy Sweetheart
Tank Top - Old Navy purple tank
Shirt - Pookie & Sebastian. I'm not usually a fan of the flowy, but I rather like this one.
Shoes - Privo Osso gold flats

I wasn't totally sure this outfit worked, but decided to go for it anyway on
Friday when the weather actually got up to about 60! In real life it looks
somewhere between these flash and no flash pictures.

Dress - American Rag
Lace Tights - H&M
Shoes - Privo Osso gold flats (This is my second pair of these shoes. I wear
them constantly and they're starting to get a bit ratty. I will be so sad when
they're gone).

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